Security Technological Pole

The Safety Technological Pole  implements and promotes the constant evolution of an integrated system of worker protection and support for companies, associations, bodies and municipalities that is efficient and innovative, capable of offering targeted and accessible tools to all.

ANTIS GROUP SRL, carries out activities for the development of occupational risk prevention, information, training and assistance in the field of safety and health at work. To contribute to the reduction of accidents and to grow a real culture of safety in the area.

The strategy of prevention

The continuous collaboration between the forces in the field together with a planning and planning of the prevention and safety policies in the workplace guarantees timeliness, quality and homogeneity of the action in the field.


The Safety Technological Pole contributes to disseminating knowledge in the field of occupational safety and health also through the organization of conferences, seminars and workshops on general and specific topics, the promotion of studies and research both on the dynamics of the accident phenomenon in general and on specific risk areas, the creation and distribution of publications, audiovisuals and software available free of charge or with the payment of an expense contribution to anyone who requests it.


The Security Technological Pole is open search, open to all.
Everyone can interact and give growth feedback.

It is addressed to all RSPPs, Executives, Mayors, Employers, Workers’ Representatives, common forces connected to the world of safety and well-being.


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Information and studies from our team